Materi Bahasa Inggris Sd


a quarter= seperempat (15 menit)
kalimatyang biasa digunakan yang berhubungan dengan Telling The Time :
·What timeis it? (Jam berapa ini?)
·It is teno'clock. (Sekarang jam 10.)
·What timedo you usually wake up? (Jam berapa biasanya kamu bangun tidur?)
·I wake upat five o'clock. (Saya bangun pada jam 05.00)
·What timedo you have breakfast? (Jam berapa kamu sarapan.)

·I havebreakfast at six o'clock. (Saya sarapan pada jam 06.00)
DAYS IN A WEEK (Nama – nama hari dalam seminggu)

Contoh penggunaannama hari dalam kalimat
Yesterdaywas Sunday ( Kemarin hari minggu )
Thefirst day of the week is monday ( hari pertama dalam seminggu adalah hari senin).
Weusually comes here on Sunday. ( Kami biasanya datang kemaripada hari senin ).
MONTH (Nama-nama bulan dan pengucapannya)
Cara Pengucapan
/twenti siksth/
/twenti seventh/
/twenti eith/
/twenti ninth/
/the:ti fe:st/
Contoh Penulisan dan Pengucapan
15 August ( The fifteenth of August)
2nd February -The second of February (2Februari)
4th April - The fourth of April (4April)
21st June - The twenty first of June (21Juni)
Dalam penulisan tanggal dalam sebuahkalimat, Preposition (Kata depan) yang digunakan adalah' On'
Contoh : Indonesia got the independenceon 17 August 1945

Translate into Indonesia!
1.Today is Tuesday =__________________________________
2.Tomorrow is Thursday = __________________________________
3.Yesterday was Saturday =________________________________
4.This month is March =__________________________________
5.Next month is August = __________________________________
6.Last month was October =_____________________________
Translate into English!
1.Hari ini adalah Senin = __________________________________
2.Besok adalah Rabu = __________________________________
3.Kemarin adalah Jum’at = __________________________________
4.Bulan ini adalah Mei = __________________________________
5.Bulan depan adalah Juni = __________________________________
6.Bulan lalu adalah Juli = __________________________________

2. mother: ibu
4. brother: kakak kandung laki-laki
6. son :anak kandung laki-laki
8. aunt :tante (bibi)
10.husband : suami
12.grandfather : kakek
14.children : anak-anak

Penggunaan 'his' dan 'her'dalam kalimat.
1. This is Hetty's grandfather. (Ini adalahkakeknya Hetty.)
Keterangan :'his' digunakan untuk menyatakan kepemilikan (laki-laki).
2. This is Hetty's aunt. (Ini adalah bibinyaHetty.)
Keterangan :'her' digunakan untuk menyatakan kepemilikan perempuan.

(Isi titik-titik dengan menggunakan 'his' atau'her'!)
.. name is Lia.
.. name is Wiguna.
.. name is Rizky.
.. name is Liju.
.. name is Inayah.

  • accountant
  • actor
  • actress
  • athlete
  • author
  • baker
  • banker
  • barber
  • beautician
  • broker
  • burglar
  • butcher
  • carpenter
  • chauffeur
  • chef
  • clerk
  • coach
  • craftsman
  • criminal
  • crook
  • dentist
  • doctor
  • editor
  • engineer
  • farmer
  • fire fighter
  • fisherman
  • judge
  • lawyer
  • magician
  • mechanic
  • musician
  • nurse
  • pharmacist
  • pilot
  • poet
  • policeman
  • politician
  • printer
  • professor
  • rabbi
  • priest
  • pastor
  • sailor
  • salesman
  • shoemaker
  • soldier
  • tailor
  • teacher
  • veterinarian
  • waiter
  • waitress
  • watchmaker

1.Someone who performs is a …………….
3.Someone who writes novels is a …………….
5.Someone who is employed by someone isan …………….
6.Someone who participates in somethingis a …………….
8.Someone who plays the piano is a …………….
10.Someone who practices law is a …………….
Exercise !
2. SE = South East = Tenggara
4. SW = South West = Barat Daya
6. NW = North West = Barat Laut
8. NE = North East = Timur Laut

Untuk menemukan alamat lokasibiasanya menggunakan kosa kata berikut :

2. straight = lurus
4. turn left = belok kiri
6. T-junction = pertigaan
8. across from = bersebrangandengan
10. street = jalan

Baca teks dengan teliti!
My name is Ani. I live onJl.Dahlia. Resident evil 4 iso gamecube. My house is near the post office. Today, my mother asks me toaccompany her to the supermarket. The supermarket is on Jl.Anggrek. There aremany public places along this street.
The park is in the corner, nearthe library.There is a bank across from the police station. There is also acinema. Open apk files windows 10. It is beside the bakery. At last the supermarket itself. It is betweenthe drugstore and the bus station.
Jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaanberikut berdasarkan teks!
2. Where does her mother want togo?
4. Where is the cinema?
Jawaban :
2. She wants to go to thesupermarket.
4. It is beside the bakery.
5. The supermarket is between thedrugstore and the bus station.

1.Asking and Giving Directions
Where is the location of KBS? (di mana letak KBS?)
Can you tell me where Mallis? (dapatkan kamu ceritakan dimana Mall?)
How do you get to the bank? (Kalaumau ke Bank lewat mana?)
Where is .. located?
c. Memberikan arahan
Go ahead and turn left (lurus dan belok kiri)
2.ExpressingOffering, Accepting and Refusing Help
Offering Help (Menawarkanbantuan ke orang lain)::
-Would you like some cake? Would you like a glass of milk?
- Have some coffee? Have some cake? Some sandwinch?
- Can I get you something? Can I get you anything?
Accepting Help (Menjawab/merespon tawaran dariorang lain)::

- Yes, please
- Thank you
- Thanks
- Thank you, that would be great
- Thank you, that’s a very kind of you (sopan

-No, thank you
- No, it’s okay, thank you
- No, I’m fine, thank you

3.SimplePresent Tense
untuk kejadian ataukebiasaanyang sering dilakukan (habitually).
Time signal/keterangan waktunya : usually,always,every,habitually,every day, every week, etc.

- Shinta does not go to school everymorning
- Theygo to school every morning.
- Dothey go to school every morning?

untuk situasi yang sudah berlalu.
Time signal/keterangan waktunya : yesterday, last month, an hourago, last week, etc.

- Shinta did not go to school last week.
- Istudiedenglishyesterday.
- Did shinta studyenglishyesterday?

5.SimpleFuture Tense
untuk mengekspresikan situasi yang akan terjadi dimasayang akan datang.
Time signal/keterangan waktu : tomorrow,next(week,year),etc.

- Shintawill go to school tomorrow.
- Willshinta go to school tomorrow?
untuk mengekspresikansituasi yang sedangberlangsung.

Contoh :
- Shintais not going to school now.

Terdiri dari 3 tingkatan, yaitu:
a.Positive(tingkat biasa)
S + tobe + adjective/k.sifat
b.Comparative (tingkatperbandingan)
S + tobe + more/-er+ adjective + than
contoh: Jojon is more handsome than Aming
c.Superlative(tingkat paling)
S + tobe + the most/-est +noun phrase
Contoh: Jojon is the most handsome
(Jojon paling ganteng)

Contoh: Heni is adancer, isn’t she ?
You are not student, are you?
You like milk, don’t you?

I. Kalimatperintah
  • “Open the door, will/would/can/could you?”
  • “Take your book, will/would/can/could you?”
  • “Pass me the spoon, will/would/can/could you?”
II. Kalimatajakan
  • “Let’s go, shall we?”
  • “Let’s get to work, shall we?”
  • “Let’s discuss it, shall we?”
III. Kalimattawaran
  • “Have a seat, won’t you?
  • “Have a drink, won’t you?

Contoh Kalimat
I must study although i am sick
She did not come to the party because she is sick
We can be the winner if we study hard
Kevin and Bram are Family
My brother is smart but to small
you want money or prize?
Jhon is fat nevertheless he is good boy
They don’t have money therefore the can’t follow the recreation
He write letter for his friend
Both Andi and Ricky are handsome
Rina is neither smart nor stupid. (Rina tidak pintar juga tidak bodoh.)
Yesterday, I neither slept nor ate. (kemarin saya tidak tidur, juga tidak makan.)
Either my friends or my mother sweeps the floor every morning. (Teman-teman saya atau ibu saya menyapu lantai itu setiap hari.)
Not only John but also his friends are clever.
This door is broken. Use another door.
I wanted to leave but the other people/the others wanted to stay longer.

Post Office : Kantor pos
Market : Pasar
Park : taman
Harbour : Pelabuhan
Bus stop/terminal : Terminal bis
Museum : musium
Supermarket : Swalayan
Book store : toko buku
Stationary : Toko alat tulis
Gas station : Pom bensin/SBPU
Greengrocer:Toko sayuran
Restaurant : restoran
Mosque : Masjid
Monastery : Biara
Pagoda : klenteng
Mountain : Pegunungan
Stadium : stadion

2.Profession (Pekerjaan)

Headmistress=kepala sekolah (wanita)
Lecturer = dosen
Farrier = tukang besi
Lawyer = pengacara
Judge = hakim
Steward = pramugara
Parker = tukang parkir
Journalist = penulis berita
Laundress = tukang cuci
Mechanic=montir/ahli mesin
Labour = buruh
Farmer = petani
Doctor = dokter
Chemist = ahli kimia
Dentist = dokter gigi
Clerk = pegawai
Fireman=pemadam kebakaran
Fisherman = nelayan
Singer = penyanyi
Chef = tukang masak
Police = polisi
Butcher = tukang daging
Nurse = perawat
Vet = dokter hewan
Plumber = tukang ledeng
Tourist guide = pemandu turis
Babysitter = penjaga bayi
Graver = tukang ukir
Cobbler = tukag sepatu

3.In The Forest (Di Hutan)

Tame : Jinak
Snail: Siput
Dog: Anjing
Calf: Anak sapi
Goose: angsa
Bleat: mengembik
Shark: hiu
Pet: Hewan peliharaan
Tortoise: Kura-kura

4.Feeling (Perasaan)

Afraid= ketakutan
Angry= marah adj.
Cautious= waspada adj.
Cheerful= riang, gembira
Crazy= gila
Defeat= kekalahan

Depressed= kecewa
Dislike= ketidaksukaan n.
easy-going= supel
fear= ketakutan
fury= kemarahan n.
glad= senang, bahagia
greedy= tamak, rakus
homesick= rindu rumah
horror= kengerian,
hurt= sakit hati
interested= tertarik
worried= khawatir adj.